A new study reveals that office problems are not the only source of fatigue at work. Here are three strange demotivators and how to avoid them.
You are so over your job: the never-ending barrage of emails, the petty coworkers, the unpaid overtime—the list goes on. But according to a new study published in the journal Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, office problems are not the only source of stress (though on-the-job factors can definitely affect you, too). Here are three additional potential causes of your work exhaustion:
3 Major Causes of Your Work Exhaustion
1. You Are Not Receiving Enough Assistance At Home
Feel as though you cannot discuss your day with your partner? The Canadian researchers discovered that having an understanding partner is just as important as having a supportive boss in preventing work burnout. If you feel that your partner doesn’t understand where you’re coming from, whether at work or at home, you should discuss the importance of listening.
2. You’re Not Social Enough
And we’re not discussing Facebook. The study also found that individuals with a social network outside of the workplace had fewer mental health issues associated with job burnout. Even if you’re not in the mood after a long day, take the time to meet up with your friends for coffee or a drink after work. And if the majority of your friends are coworkers, consider joining a social group with a hobby or pastime (such as hiking or reading) that is distinct from your office social circle.
3. You Will Not Have A Lunch Break
At the very least, do not leave your desk. Separate research from the University of Toronto found that skipping lunch can reduce motivation and productivity. According to researchers, this practice can deplete your psychological energy by lunchtime and prevents you from recharging.
Therefore, you may feel sluggish and complete fewer tasks if you eat your salad at your desk, despite the fact that you may believe you’re being an office superstar (potentially leading to later nights on the job). A survey conducted by the technology company Draugiem Group goes a step further: They discovered that the most productive individuals got up every 52 minutes (for 17-minute breaks, but that seems like a bit much). Consider beginning with an actual lunch break and proceeding from there.
- Are you aware of the role of physical activity in boosting energy levels at work?
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